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Greetings and Salutations
Friday, 26 November 2004
Just a quick update
Change of plans for the night.

Well, it looks like I'm not going out to shoot pool. It looks like the plan for the night is now to go over to one person's house, listen to music, maybe watch a movie, but mostly just sit around and talk. Not what I wanted to do. I am still invited, but I put it back on the person doing the organizing. I told the messenger that if they wanted me to go with the group to call me when everyone else gets together and let me know. I doubt I will get a call. Oh well, that is how it seems to go. I'll write more later about what happens.

I went with the girls to the house and it was a lot of talking and listening to music. Not really my thing, but if you know me then you know why I went. Nicole doesn't care a whole lot for the guy whose house we were going to and Cat was only going so that nicole wasn't going to go alone. I could not sit here and not go when both girls did not feel comfortable going.I had no other option but to go. I doubt that either Nicole or Cat will ever realize that as I don't think that they can think in those kinds of terms. Maybe one day. Oh well. It wasn't a fun time for me, but at least I was there, just in case (nothing did happen, which is really good)

Sleep time. Have a good night.

Posted by simkus at 11:51 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 27 November 2004 2:35 AM EST
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