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Greetings and Salutations
Saturday, 13 November 2004
Mood:  not sure
A summary of the past couple months, a glimpse of the future, and some of the here and now. A nice mix, not too sweet, not too sour, and not too salty. :)

Well, it sure has been a long time since I posted here. A LOT has happened since then. I have gotten a girlfriend, and lost her as well. I met her at the time that I was having troubles with Tonya and we hit it off right away. Her name is Cat. We had lots in common and did many things together, including attending the Psi Phi Reunion. But we have broken up since then. We had been growing apart for a while, as least as far back as Hurricane Frances. I knew then that there was a problem but could never figure out what it was myself and Cat would not talk to me about it. I knew there was something though because Cat and her family decided to evacuate their home and go north and left their bird with me. The last thing Cat told me before they left was that if anything happened to her bird she would hurt me. Not quite what I expected to hear from someone when I volunteer to watch something for them while they are away. After that whenever I tried to talk to her I wouldn't get any long responses and we just grew farther apart. We have been separated now for over a month now and it seems that she really doesn't want to talk to or have anything to do with me. Once in a while I'll get a text message from her, but usually it is because I message her first. I don't know what I should do. I would like to still be her friend, but I don't know if I want to be trying to do everything to make a friendship work. If she doesn't want to be my friend should I continue to try, or just slip away.

Lets see, what else has happened. Between my last entry and now Polk County (where Lakeland, my current home, is located) has been hit by 3 hurricanes (Charlie, Frances, and Jeanne). This is the first time in recorded history that 1 county has been hit by 3 hurricanes in the same season. This has really messed up lots of things. Included among those things is the school schedule. We have lost 14 school days. We have made 1 of those days up already and will be making another 5 of them up during the winter break. 2 at the beginning and the other 3 at the end. This means that I will be working on December 21st, which is Yule, or the Winter Solstice. For me personally this is a holiday, for most people it is just another day before Christmas. Although working is not what I wanted to be doing this day I will have to do it.

I have started a second job recently. I am working in a seasonal position with Waldenbooks, primarily in the Calendar shop that they run this time of the year. This is earning me a little extra money. I have used the first couple checks to buy things that I needed like shirts and other clothes, as well as actually getting a toaster. I have been in Florida over a year and I am just now getting a toaster. This job will last until the holidays are over, then I will be back to the one job. I am not sure if I want to get another part-time job after that, or if I want to do other things. Will just have to wait and see.

Another thing that has come up recently is that I am beginning to see a way to get back to Illinois. Since I was kicked out of Bradley I have been wanting to get back in the area, teach near there, become active in Psi Phi again, and also start taking classes there to graduate with a degree. Right now I don't care if it is a graduate degree or another undergrad degree. I will just have to wait it out and see. If things can work out good I hope to be moving to Illinois during the summer of 2006. More waiting to see how things work out.

I have been working on the plans for a celebration around Yule this year. Not sure if I will be able to get things ready by then, or if anyone will actually be able to come, but I'm going to try. My plans right now call for a simple gathering of people, a sort of come and go as you please type thing. I will be setting up a little fire outside and people can just drop by to talk, hang out, whatever. Just an evening for people to share with others. I know that many people will be spending time with their families and that friends are sometimes left behind in the mess. With me not knowing what days or times I will be working during that week I can't set up a definite date/time for it.

In the coming weeks I am planning to go over my 5 New Years Resolutions from last year and break down each one. How I did, if it was a success or a failure, what I did right, what I did wrong, and where to go from here. I will also start laying out the groundwork for my resolutions for next year. I am thinking of having about 5 new ones for next year, but I will have to spend some more time thinking them through.

This is it for the time being. I really hope to get on here once a week to post stuff. If you have any comments please feel free to post them here, or respond to me privately by e-mail at

Posted by simkus at 11:17 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 13 November 2004 11:19 AM EST
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Saturday, 13 November 2004 - 1:26 PM EST

Name: Lyz

*waves* Hi there! My birthday happens to be on the 21st. :)

I might be coming down to FL near the end of Jan - I *might* be able to snag a car or a ride and come visit you - I'll be in the Tampa bay area. We'll chat.

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