Mood: not sure
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Time to review all those resolutions I made for the year 2004. I will try to offer as much insight on them as I can.
Next on my list was to "Eat no candy". This one was even tougher than avoiding soda. This one is a kinda toss-up as to if I passed it (though I am counting it as a pass). I did avoid candy, but sometimes when I got ice cream or cookies there were candy bits in it. But I did make an effort to avoid those when I could. I went trick-or-treating with a friend and her family, getting candy from different houses, which I left for my friend and her kids. Next year I hope to work on this more and will try even harder to avoid candy. I am mostly certain about how this resolution will work for next year, but you will just have to wait to see how it will be.
What can I say about number 3 "Lose Weight". I don't know if I passed or failed this one. At the start of the year I was not able to weight myself accurately on a scale since the highest that a scale went up to was 350 and I weigh more then that. I just checked my weight on that same scale a few weeks ago and I can still not get a weight off it so I am going to have to work harder this next year. I need to get my weight down. I would really like to get down to around 200 but I will settle for being able to tell my weight at all. This one will definitely continue into next year.
The next two are really tough to call. I'll start with number four "Do more things with other people". When the year started off I was not doing much, but I was at least doing a little. As the year went on I was doing more things and doing them in groups. Now though I am doing little if anything and if I do anything it seems to be by myself or with a very small group. And right now my desire to be with other people is almost non-existent. Will just have to wait on this one.
Now the really hard one "Go on at least one date this year". This one was a success and a total failure, all at the same time. I did go on many dates this year, and dated two different people. That is also where the failure comes in. I have now dated three people in my life. One was Jen about four years ago. She was also my first girlfriend. This relationship turned into a physical relationship. After that things went down an we broke up. The last time I talked with her she indicated that she did not want me in her life any more, and I haven't heard from her since (again, almost 4 years ago now). The next time I went on a date was earlier this year, 3 years after that first one. This was with Tonya. If you have read my previous blocs then you know a little about that. Tonya has as well had little or no contact with me and has even moved out of the apartment complex (though this had to do with money and job issues, not with me). Before she moved I only talked with her if we saw each other. After she moved I have heard nothing from her. 2-for-2. Then came Cat. We dated, we became boyfriend/girlfriend, she moved in with me for a bit, then things went downhill. We attended the Psi Phi Reunion together. After we got back we broke up. I am still not certain why we broke up, though I am sure I did something wrong. Since then she doesn't seem to want to talk or do anything with me, though in the last week or so it has gotten a little better. She has sent me a couple text messages and invited me to go with her and a friend to the bowling alley to watch people bowl. Not much else though. It would seem that I am looking at 3-for-3 (date 3 people and have 3 people never want me in their lives again). So now I am looking at next year on this one and wondering if I want to make a new resolution concerning dating. I will continue to debate this and will get back to everyone when I do post for next year.
Well, that sums up the resolutions for 2004. 4 that were a success, 1 of which I probably shouldn't have made, and 1 that is unknown. Right now I am thinking of about 5 to 7 resolutions for next year. Please let me know what you think about this. All comments are accepted. See you next time.