A little information about today. Really starting to get teh hang of this writing stuff.
Tomorrow I will be making a lot of phone calls. I need to talk with the Illinois Board of Education so that I can start getting paperwork and information sent to me, find out what tests I might have to take, and getting general questions answered so that I can start to prepare to move to Illinois in about 20 months. If things to right I will be in Illinois in either July or August of 2006. I really hope it happens.
I work every day this week, except for Thanksgiving Day, at the Bookstore as my school district gives the entire week off to students and teachers. I am glad for this break, though I wish I had some friends or family to hang out with. My family can't visit and I don't expect them to either. My friends here have either left to be with their familes, or have plans during teh week that do not include me. Oh well, I guess I can't expect to get everything.
Well, that is it for today. I do hope to write a little bit everyday so check back often to see what I have to say. Have a good day and a good night.
Posted by simkus
at 7:31 PM EST