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Greetings and Salutations
Thursday, 25 November 2004
Here a blog, there a blog, everywhere..
Now Playing: Yahoo Music's Dance/Techno radio station
a blog blog, Ol Mc'Ray had a blog, e-i-e-i-o.

Todays entry will be kinda short for the time being, but I will add more to it later. It is Thanksgiving Day here, so Happy Thanksgiving. I hope that everyone had a good day. Nicole showed up about 11:30 and we ate and watched a movie until about 1 am, when I had to get soem sleep. I already fixed the food and ate earlier. Wasn't that bad fixing the meal myself. I hope to repeat this again (what can I say, it is good food).

As for the rest of the day, not much has happened. I talked with my mother online for a bit, talked with my older brother and his wife for a while, and talked with Rhonda for a few minutes. Other then that I have been listening to music online, writing some entries online, and playing games. Been a boring day, which I like, but also don't like. I open the store tomorrow morning, which should be a busy time, being the day after Thanksgiving. My store has no specials so the management doesn't think that it will be too busy until later in the day (which is after I have left). After that I think I might try to take a nap. I am supposed to be going to play pool later that night but again I am not sure about what is going to happen or not happen.

Well, I am going to play some more games. Talk to everyone later.

Posted by simkus at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 26 November 2004 10:19 AM EST
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