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Greetings and Salutations
Saturday, 27 November 2004

Interesting, interesting, interesting.

Things have been interesting today (ok, maybe interesting isn't the right word, but I can't think of anything else). I have talked a little with Nicole (she is supposed to call me again after work so we can talk more) and talked with Cat a bit. A lot of things have come out. most of it is stuff that I needed to hear or think about. I'm also going to be talking with Rhonda tomorrow so things are starting to move forward. I'm not certain where things are going to go from here, but I think things are going to be different. I know that some changes will eb happening soon.

On an odd note I looked at my horoscope today after I talked with Nicole and Cat and did some thinking about things. This is what it said "Conduct a wide-ranging review of who you are and what you want. The more clarity you have on these topics, the more effectively you will be able to make your long-term plans." The last couple days I have been forced to examine who I am and what I want. My thoughts have been changing in regards to those questions and I do believe that those things will effect how things will play out in my life the next couple years. I will be writing more about this in the next couple of days.

Well, it is time for bed. Godo night and take care.

Posted by simkus at 11:18 PM EST
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