This is the first page of my book of Poetry. All works listed here are original poems written by me.
Original poems by Rob Ray
Added March 16, 2005
No title as of yet
Added May 27, 2004
A toast of thanks
Added July 8, 2003
Two as one
Dedicated to Randall "Randawg" Burgess
and Jessica "Hamsta" Pruett
(Now married to each other)
my precious is very precious
and I apologize for that last one
treat my precious well
I trust you with it
so here is my precious
do your best and teach my child, teacher
To give life
Added June 9, 2003
The lives of the true helper
Subtitled: The lives of me
Lights flare around the man, brilliant flashes of fire.
At each flame he stops and bows in reverence.
He moves on from each one, back into the cold.
He wanders this barren wilderness, this harsh world.
From time to time he stops and waits.
Though brief, he does not tarry long at these stops.
Instead he quickly moves off in a new direction.
A shadow, though far off, reflected in his eye.
He moves quickly towards the shadow, towards someone.
His eyes are fixed, watching the shadow move.
Though not watching the ground, he avoids falling.
His feet finding safety on their own.
Closer and closer he comes to the struggling shadow.
The shadow, eyes down, does not see him approach.
Its focus is on the ground, on the bitter cold.
On its struggle to keep moving, to keep alive.
The man makes out the qualities of the shadow.
A woman, young and beautiful, a life still strong.
He can sense her clothes and the cloaks she wears.
The newest are hatred of others, a guilt of feelings.
The shame of embarrassment, and the pain of loss.
She wears frustration and anger close to her.
And feels the false warmth they offer.
Through all she has woven all the despair she has.
The woman has fallen recently, maybe more times before.
And though she has about her many layers.
The jagged ground has left many deep cuts on her.
The older ones, though scabbed over, are not healed.
The newer ones still bleed freely upon the ground.
She either doesn’t notice, or doesn’t care.
She moves on slowly, without seeing around herself.
She knows, and lives, only for where she is now.
The man is close now, close enough to be heard.
He calls out to her, offering words of safety.
She doesn’t answer him, look up, nor draw away.
The man stops short, giving her her space.
He speaks again, sounds of concern come forth.
He weaves in comfort, and again safety, to his words.
He waits, knowing that it is she who must do next.
She does no look up, but motions for him to approach.
The man steps slowly, making no sudden movements.
He steps up to her and offers his hand to her.
She finally looks up at him, but still doesn’t see him.
She takes his hand, tentatively, and feels strength in it.
The woman is surprised to find strength in this place.
She can feel safety and comfort in him as well.
She finally sees the man and looks deep inside his eyes
before allowing him to lead her off and away.
As they move the woman begins to remove her cloaks.
First she discards her hatred of other people.
Next she takes off her guilty feelings.
Then she rips up the cloak of shame.
And lastly her pain of losing someone is tossed aside.
Frustration and anger are transformed into something new,
happiness and love replace these items
and despair turns to hope, shining brightly in the night.
The man smiles at the woman, knowing it is time.
He turns her slowly towards a nearby fire and lets go of her.
She moves on her own towards the light and enters it.
The light flares, then dies down before going out forever.
The man smiles at the happy couple, knowing what they do not.
What to them is but an instant is years for the man.
He moves away, looking for the next person to help.
No longer young, but old, he looks to continue his life.
Others he finds and helps put them together,
each time he moves away, older then before.
He doesn’t stop, doesn’t rest, doesn’t sleep.
To do so could cost the lives of many people.
Though helping many to a fire of their own,
he never enters the circle around them.
He helps others, but never helps himself.
Always moving on before thanks are given.
But now he feels a change deep within himself.
The ages have caught up with him at last.
He helps one last person and moves off,
not for another to help but for a place to sleep.
He finds a large rock and lowers himself to the ground,
his back to the rock, a strength he rests upon.
His body relaxes and his soul smiles from within.
He looks over his world and closes his eyes.
A shadowy form opens its eyes and looks around.
It is seated on the ground, its back to a large rock.
It stands up and surveys the area, a smile upon its face.
It sees the body of a man, old before his time.
It leans over him and gives him words of release.
It stands up again and removes the hood from its head.
Clearly, this shadowy figure is a young woman.
There is work for her here, lives to help and save.
crunch, snap, slap, buzz
rustle, babble, growl, howl
to leave the world
to seek oneself
to grow beyond
to find dreams
in the darkness
alone in daylight
shadows of the moon
make two of one
separate paths
a choice made right
a decision made wrong
a soul divided
to hope anew
to be at peace
to find the other
to make whole the parts
The sun rises over the mountains, bringing forth day,
the fog lifts off the land, the sky brightens,
The stars receed with the moon into the night,
this, as you enter the room and smile.
The sun, slowly setting,
darkness enveloping the land.
A man stands alone,
thrust into this darkness.
A single light in the distance,
a beacon of all that is good.
The man moves towards the light,
struggling each step of the way.
Closer and closer he comes,
slower and harder it gets.
At last the man is near,
close enough to use the light.
Onward he comes,
seeking the light.
He feels the warmth of the light,
warming his heart, his soul.
He enters the circle of light,
allows its love to fill him.
He casts off his coats of fear,
of pain, of hatred, of despair.
For one glorious moment,
everything is right.
Then the light goes out,
and everything is dark.
The man stands alone again,
and cold penetrates to his core.
The man falls to the ground,
crying and shaking from the pain.
There is no more light,
no more warmth.
The man doesn't move, won't move,
he stays as he is, crushed, dead.