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Greetings and Salutations
Sunday, 26 June 2005

Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Yahoo Music
I said that I would be posting today, and here I am. So lets see, what can I add.

At the end of May I went to the doctor to talk to her about some things, how I was feeling, what I was feeling, sleep issues, etc. We decided on a couple things. One of which is that I will go on anti-depressants. I have been taking these for almost a month now. Are they helping me? I don't know. I do feel better, but I think I am still having problems. A lot of that is self esteem. I don't know if I have much confidence in myself. I think I know what part of the problem is, and I know that there is nothing that can be done about that problem. Some of the other problems I am trying to work on. I have started trying to do things with other people. I really do not get out much, and when I do it is generally by myself. I am at least asking people and trying to get out. People are not always albe to do things with me and I am a little more understanding of that and try not to take it so personally. I also was put on muscle relaxers to help me relax enough so that I can get to sleep. I can't say that it has helped much. I still have troubles falling alseep. Right now my scedule seems to be off about 5 or 6 hours from what I am used to (going to sleep about 11am waking up at 6). Sometimes it is 3 or 4 am before I finally fall asleep. I am trying to slowly work it back towards normal. I have a month to get it there, so I have time.

Lets see, what else can I add today. I hope to go either this week or next weekend to see Howl's Moving Castle. It is the newest film by Hiyeo Miyazaki, who done Spirited Away and other great animated films. Of everyone that I have talked to here only 1 even knows about the movie, let alone will be seeing it. THe closest theater that is showing the movie is in Orlando, so it will be a bit of a drive for me to go see it, but I think it will be worth it. I will be going by myself, but that is ok. In this regard I wish I was back in Phoenix because the friends I had there liked to watch similiar types of things as me so I would be able to go with a group to see this movie. That is ok though. I do need to work on being more comfortable with myself and doing things because they are fun and not avoiding things just because there is no one else to do it with me.

Well, I think that is all for right now. I hope to get on and write a little something everyday. I would like to start putting up a list of the things that I have planned for the week, more to remind me of things then to let people know. So, I'll write more later on.

Posted by simkus at 7:47 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 28 June 2005 - 10:03 AM EDT

Name: Lyz

A lot of the people I have known who have been on anti-depressants have found that they only need to stay on them for a little while (and also that they have helped immensely!). They're not going to make your problems go away, but they should help you be more capable of approaching and handling the problems that you are having, and once you've gotten those under control, the need for the medication usually dissipates.

Have you considered a martial art (or other exercise) with meditative aspects, like Tai chi, or yoga? More exercise + consciousness management can help sleep problems.

I likewise hope you continue to write. I'm not at a computer for more than 10 minutes at a time anymore, so it's nice to hear what you're up to. :)

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