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Greetings and Salutations
Sunday, 26 June 2005
Week of June 27 to July 4
Yes, it is a little more then just 1 week, but that is ok. The July 4th weekend really shouldn't be split up.

Sometime this week:

Go see Howl's Moving Castle.
Check out some new books and maybe buy 1 or 2.

Monday June 27:
Work at Sylvan from 5-7

Tuesday June 28:
No plans

Wednesday June 29:
Work at Sylvan from 5-7

Thursday June 30:
Bowl at Orange Bowl starting at 6:45

Friday July 1:
No plans

Saturday July 2:
No plans

Sunday July 3:
No plans

Monday July 4:

Going to the Bar-be-que that my apartment complex is having. It is supposed to be from 12 to 4. I will probably go early that way I make sure that I am able to get something to eat. Since I do not eat meat that is attached to the bone I need to make sure that all the hamburgers and hotdogs are not gone.

Doesn't look like that busy of a week for me.

Posted by simkus at 10:25 PM EDT
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