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Greetings and Salutations
Thursday, 1 September 2005
One more entry before the dentist.
Mood:  down
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Uggggg. I sure missed a lot. Lets play a little catch up. On Monday nothing happened. I went to work at school, then to work at Sylvan. That was it. On Tuesday I went to work at school, then to work at Sylvan. After work I drove to Tampa to turn in an application for testing so that I can take my test in October to get my Elementary Education Certificate. Then I drove back home. I was very tired when I got home. Wednesday I went to work at both places, then went to the store and got a couple things, including some tomato soup and chicken broth. I will be "eating" these the next couple days.

Today I will be leaving work around 2:45 to go to the dentist. Ms. Wright, one of my co-workers who lives in my apartment complex, will be with me to drive me home. I know that I need to have this done, but I still do not really care for dentists. The next couple days I will be home resting, sleeping, and trying to stay out of pain. I will also be doing things as I am not going to have anyone in my apartment to help me out, so I will be doing all of my cooking. Well, I am not sure when I will be able to get on again, but I will write as soon as I can. Take care out there.

Posted by simkus at 10:33 AM EDT
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