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Hello again. The dentist went ok and I now have a hole where my broken tooth used to be. All in all it went okay. I got there, got set up, answered their questions and such, then they hooked up the IV. I didn't do too much when I got home, mostly slept. Yesterday I got up and ate a little soup. I also took my clothes to the laundry room and got them washed. On the way back to my apartment it was raining a bit so I got a little wet. I was invited to a party last night but I did not go. I was feeling okay and could have gone, but I just didn't want to go to a party. Today I am feeling better. I need to go to Sears to make a payment as well as to the bookstore to talk to a couple people. I am thinking about just walking there as it is about a mile away. With gas prices the way they are I could save some gas this way and still get done what I need to get done. I am going to walk to work every day that I do not have to work at Sylvan as well. All of this will save gas. I am hopeful that I might be able to stretch a tank towards the middle or end of the month. That would help a lot. Well, that is it for right now. I need to get a shower and do some cleaning around my place.
Posted by simkus
at 1:22 PM EDT