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Greetings and Salutations
Monday, 7 November 2005
Wow, it has been a long time since I wrote on here. I hope to be back and writing more stuff soon and on a regular basis as well. Right now things are okay and getting a little better.

Posted by simkus at 2:24 PM EST
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Sunday, 18 September 2005
Today I went for a walk, then went swimming. Other then that I didn't do much else. I am going to go for another long walk with some running this week on Friday. I was invited to go to a party that someone at work is having, but I think that I am not going to go. Just don't feel like going out right now.

Posted by simkus at 9:40 PM EDT
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Saturday, 17 September 2005
Hi there
Mood:  not sure
Wow, has it really been 2 weeks since I last posted on here? Not really much to say. I have been busy with work and work and work. I have had some trouble falling asleep. Not certain what had been wrong. Yesterday I did a lot of extra walking and when I finally went to bed I did not have any problems falling asleep. Other then that I haven't been doing much. I will try to write more tomorrow.

Posted by simkus at 7:51 PM EDT
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Sunday, 4 September 2005
A walk
Another day, another walk. More rest. I walked again today and when I got home I was really tired. I fixed something to eat, then laid down for a bit. I wound up falling asleep for about 3 hours. I didn't plan on sleeping, but it happened. I guess that my walking wore me out. I am still planning on walking tomorrow. I am thinking of walking earlier in the day so that it is not as hot. Other then that I do not know what I will be doing tomorrow. I do have to grade some papers. I will get that finished as soon as I can.

Posted by simkus at 8:21 PM EDT
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Saturday, 3 September 2005
Back again
Now Playing: Classical station at Yahoo Music
Hello again. The dentist went ok and I now have a hole where my broken tooth used to be. All in all it went okay. I got there, got set up, answered their questions and such, then they hooked up the IV. I didn't do too much when I got home, mostly slept. Yesterday I got up and ate a little soup. I also took my clothes to the laundry room and got them washed. On the way back to my apartment it was raining a bit so I got a little wet. I was invited to a party last night but I did not go. I was feeling okay and could have gone, but I just didn't want to go to a party. Today I am feeling better. I need to go to Sears to make a payment as well as to the bookstore to talk to a couple people. I am thinking about just walking there as it is about a mile away. With gas prices the way they are I could save some gas this way and still get done what I need to get done. I am going to walk to work every day that I do not have to work at Sylvan as well. All of this will save gas. I am hopeful that I might be able to stretch a tank towards the middle or end of the month. That would help a lot. Well, that is it for right now. I need to get a shower and do some cleaning around my place.

Posted by simkus at 1:22 PM EDT
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Thursday, 1 September 2005
One more entry before the dentist.
Mood:  down
Now Playing: internet radio station (Windows Media)
Uggggg. I sure missed a lot. Lets play a little catch up. On Monday nothing happened. I went to work at school, then to work at Sylvan. That was it. On Tuesday I went to work at school, then to work at Sylvan. After work I drove to Tampa to turn in an application for testing so that I can take my test in October to get my Elementary Education Certificate. Then I drove back home. I was very tired when I got home. Wednesday I went to work at both places, then went to the store and got a couple things, including some tomato soup and chicken broth. I will be "eating" these the next couple days.

Today I will be leaving work around 2:45 to go to the dentist. Ms. Wright, one of my co-workers who lives in my apartment complex, will be with me to drive me home. I know that I need to have this done, but I still do not really care for dentists. The next couple days I will be home resting, sleeping, and trying to stay out of pain. I will also be doing things as I am not going to have anyone in my apartment to help me out, so I will be doing all of my cooking. Well, I am not sure when I will be able to get on again, but I will write as soon as I can. Take care out there.

Posted by simkus at 10:33 AM EDT
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Sunday, 28 August 2005
Now Playing: My station at yahoo music
Look, I am posting about today, today. Not a whole lot to write about though. I mostly stayed in my apartment and played on the computer. I did watch a couple baseball games. Other then that I didn't do much. I talked a little with someone online, mostly just asking some questions. A nice little chat. Still thinking about changing my hair color. I haven't done much on that line of thought yet, but I will be thinking about it more as the days pass. Right now my thoughts are on going to the dentist on Thursday. I hope to write some more tomorrow. Until then.

Posted by simkus at 8:01 PM EDT
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Saturday, 27 August 2005
Keep on missing
Okay, I keep missing a lot of days. Not a whole lot to report on though. On Wednesday I worked at school and then at Sylvan. Not much else there. On Thursday I worked at school, then went to the bowling alley to let the league know that I was not going to be bowling with them this year. I am going to try and work on Thursdays so I can earn a little more money to use for bills. On Friday I walked to work, like I have been doing on Fridays this year. After school I walked to the mall and talked with Kayla who works at the bookstore. I have talked to her often since I am often in the store. She has offered to dye my hair for me for free and I am thinking of taking her up on the offer. I was thinking of dying it black, with maybe a tint of blue. Not certain what I want it to be yet. I will let you know once I do something about it.

Posted by simkus at 7:07 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 23 August 2005

Now Playing: Watching Gilmore Girls
Wow, I have missed three days now. Time to try and play catch up. On Sunday I went to the theatre and saw "March of the Penguins". I loved it. It had some funny moments and it was a very nice movie. I would recommend it to everyone. Other then that I did very little on Sunday. I did walk around the apartment complex for a bit though.

Monday was the start of another week at school. Not much happened at school. I did need to run over and jump start Rhonda's car so that she could get to school. Other then that I worked at both jobs and came home.

Today was a nice day. Not much happened except for work. Had some testing that went on so my first two classes were disrupted, but other then that the day was nice. Worked a couple of hours tonight at Sylvan, which was nice. It looks like I will picking up some hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well. Will help to have a little more money coming in. I am really hopeful that I will be getting some bills paid off soon.

Posted by simkus at 9:36 PM EDT
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Saturday, 20 August 2005
a couple days
Yesterday was an interesting day. First off was walking to school. That went as planned. Then came school. Also went as planned. The students had their test and everything went well. After school I went walking. First I walked to the mall to stop in at the bookstore. Didn't really need anything there, but wanted to stop and talk to people. After that I went over to the movie theater to see if there was any news about the posters. There wasn't. After that I walked over to Target. On the way there though I found a cell phone. After calling a couple of the numbers on there I was able to get in touch of someone that could pick it up and return it to its owner. After that I stopped in at Target, then Michaels, then to Best Buy (brief stops at them all and they are almost next door to each other). After that it was off to home.

Today I got up early (body just would not let me sleep in). I did a couple things around the house before going to the school to make copies. After that I went to Best Buy again and picked up a couple things I forgot about yesterday. After I got home I worked on dishes and cooked dinner. After I ate I began working on grading papers. I got two of my five classes done. I am getting tired so I will work on the other three tomorrow.

Other then that there isn't much to write about in my life. Nothing much going on, which I must say that I kind of like. I am still not certain at this time if I want to do much with other people or not.

Posted by simkus at 10:05 PM EDT
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