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Greetings and Salutations
Thursday, 18 August 2005
Short entry
Mood:  a-ok
Yesterday I was exhausted when I got home from work. I worked at school than went to work at Sylvan. When I got home I went to bed pretty quickly soon after I got home. I had a good night of sleep. I got up this morning and was feeling much better. School was good today. No major problems and things went very well. Tonight I went over to the meeting for the fall league I will be bowling on this year. I found myself a team to bowl with as well. I am heading to bed early tonight as well. I plan on walking to school tomorrow. Should be a good day. I will write more tomorrow.

Posted by simkus at 9:38 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 16 August 2005
Mood:  down
Now Playing:
What a rough two days. First off, Monday. When I got to school I found out that the school was still only operating on partial power. What this meant was that some rooms had no lights while none had air conditioning. This made for a long day. A lot of parents came and picked up their children and took them home early. By the end of work I was exhausted, as were the students. After I got off work I came home for a little bit then went to work at Sylvan. By the time I got home I was exhausted.

When I went to school today I was not certain if I was going to have power or not. Luckily we did. There wasn't much in the way of lunch though, just peanut butter and jelly for the kids and Mr. Brackman got hamburgers for the teachers from McDonalds. I didn't want either and just ordered a pizza and split it with someone else. I am still feeling exhausted. I plan on going to bed very early tonight. Soon in fact. Going to do some reading and then fall asleep. So, have a good night and I will talk later.

Posted by simkus at 7:28 PM EDT
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Sunday, 14 August 2005
This week August 15-21
Sometime this week:

I am hoping to walk to school on Thursday and/or Friday. I am not even going to ask anyone to walk with me because I do not think anyone wants to walk until it cools down some.

Monday August 15:
Work at school.
Work at Sylvan from 5-8pm

Tuesday August 16:
Work at school.
Work at Sylvan from 5-6pm

Wednesday August 17:
Work at school.
Work at Sylvan from 5-8pm

Thursday August 18:
Work at school.
Attend meeting for Fall Bowling League. Will find a team to bowl with at this time

Friday August 19:
Work at school.

Saturday August 20:
I may work on Saturday, but I do not know for certain. I will find out on Monday.

Sunday August 21:
Nothing planned.

Posted by simkus at 9:23 PM EDT
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Mood:  a-ok
Not much to report on today. I did laundry this morning (still haven't folded the clothes or put them away). I went over to the school, but there was no power, so I came back home. I printed out some things that I need for the week and I will be at the school early tomorrow morning so I can copy some of the stuff. Some of the stuff I printed off I need for this week, other things are for later in the quarter. I want to get my papers all ready to go well ahead of time so that I do not have any problems. Other then that the day went well. I worked on my puzzle a bit and did some reading. Well, that is it for tonight. Write more tomorrow after work at Sylvan, if I am not too tired.

Posted by simkus at 9:16 PM EDT
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Saturday, 13 August 2005
How the day went
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
I got a lot of work done today. I moved the bookshelves over on the wall between the TV and the bathroom door. Then I moved the couch back about four or five feet. I was able to set up my card table and will be able to work on some puzzles now. I was also able to empty all the boxes that my mother sent to me. I still have a couple things that I need to put up, but other than that my apartment is looking good. I put up a darker sheet in the kitchen so that will make the house a little darker. I then took the sheet that was there and put it up between my bed and the boxes that I have in the "storage" area. It really looks like I have a lot more room in my apartment. I may invite people over to take a look at everything, but I don't know. I really have been backing off and doing less with other people lately. Well, I am getting off the computer soon. Write more later.

Posted by simkus at 5:01 PM EDT
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Friday, 12 August 2005
Mood:  down
After school I walked to Best Buy and got my phone switched. Called and got it activated as well. Other then that the night was okay, until I was eating supper. While eating supper I bit in to my food and felt a tooth break. It is the same tooth that I was having problems with during the summer. I lost about 1/3 of the tooth. I am going to have to call and set up an appointment now to get the tooth removed. I do not know how I am going to be able to pay for it, but I will have to do this. Until then I will have to be careful while eating and other things. That is it for now. I will write More tomorrow.

Posted by simkus at 9:30 PM EDT
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Mood:  a-ok
Yesterday was interesting. After I got home from work (not much happened there) I took my dresser and loaded it up on top of my car and took it to the Salvation Army. After that I went to the bowling alley and picked up my money. I won about $29 with my team and $56 from bracket money. All in all a nice deal. After I got done there I went over to Best Buy and bought a new phone. A nice improvement with a camera attachment. After I got home and got the phone activated I got to looking through the phone and I found out that the phone was used. There were 81 contacts on the phone and 2 photos, including one in which the girl in the picture is pulling up her shirt to expose her bra. Not what I expected to find on a new phone. So, today after work I will be taking the phone back and talking with them about it.

Posted by simkus at 2:42 PM EDT
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Thursday, 11 August 2005
Mood:  don't ask
Yesterday was rough, again. First off I worked at school. That went okay, although I had a couple of students that were giving me trouble again. The day actually did go well. After school I quickly ran to the post office to pick up the last of the packages that my parents sent me. Now I HAVE to move things around so that I have room to put everything. I will be doing that today. I then went to work at Sylvan. That was a struggle. The kids that I have been working with are off their meds right now. Much fun. By the end of the night I was exhausted and just a little frustrated. After work I had to run to the store to pick up some items for school today. By the time I got home and got to bed I was just feeling like I had no energy left at all. Well, that is it for now. I will try and write more tonight after I get home.

Posted by simkus at 8:21 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Just a note
Mood:  a-ok
Let see, today. Not much happened. I went to work at the school. It was an okay day. Nothing major happened. After that I went to the post office to pick up a couple boxes that were sent to me. Other than that not much happened. I am thinking of going to bed early tonight and getting some sleep. I may try to get the dresser out of my apartment on Thursday, putting it on top of my car and driving it down to the Salvation Army store before I go to the bowling alley to pick up my prize money. Then Friday after I get home I would remove the books from my bookshelves and move the bookshelves to their new spot. A little cleaning up and I can move the couch back a little, maybe moving the computer a bit as well. Not certain what else I am going to be doing to the apartment right now, but I will just do what I think looks and feels good. Maybe after I get things taken care of I might invite some people over to look at the place.

Posted by simkus at 8:20 PM EDT
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Monday, 8 August 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Tired. Very tired. That should describe me and my day quite well. I am tired at this moment. It has been a long day. School was ok, though there was an incident that was handled and controlled quickly. After work I went to Sylvan and the work there was exhausting. I had some students that were not on meds and so I had to stay on top of them the entire time. Wore me out. So, I am heading to bed shortly and am looking forward to sleeping all night.

Posted by simkus at 9:15 PM EDT
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