Mood: chillin'
Now Playing: Dance Radio
Wow, been a long time since I posted anything on here. Lots of things have happened, lots of changes. Where to start?
Lets see, the school year is over, FINALLY! What a long year it was. Started with all the hurricanes and the mess that was the first 2 months of the year. Then, I agreed to take over a class at school since a teacher left. I got a little more money each month for that, which was nice, but I went the entire second semester without a break at school. On the upside I meet some other teachers. I have even hung out with them some. It is not a lot, but it is a start. It was a struggle to make it to the end of the year. I am glad that I took that extra class though. It was a wonderful experience. It was a regular ed math class, so I was able to see well I could do in that kind of class. I did really well. I know have an understanding of the regular ed classes, which will help me with my students, and will also help me when I do finally get into a regular ed position. On the last day of school I attended a celebration with a bunch of the new teachers that I had met. I had a little to drink that night (ok, so I got piss drunk) and a lot of fun with the people.
I currently awaiting the arrival of my two newest certificates. I already have my ESE Teaching Certificate and am now waiting for my Elementary Education and Middle Grades Curriculum Certificates to come in. I am also waiting on a letter from the school I graduated from. Once I have those papers I will send the, or copies of them, to Illinois. That will complete my application packet to get my Illinois Certification. once I have everything in I will begin looking for, and talking to people about, a teaching jon in or around Peoria. I know that at some time I will have to travel to Illinois to interview for jobs, but that is a very good thing.
Well, that is it for now. I need to get some sleep (or try to anyways). I will write more tomorrow.