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Greetings and Salutations
Tuesday, 2 August 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Watching Gilmore Girls
I think that my classroom is ready for the start of school. I just feel like I am not ready for the year to start. I finally got the tables and chairs in to the room. Been rough going these last few days, but I think I am there now.

Day 4 of my no meat trial. I started it on Saturday instead of the first, but that it ok. So far so good and so easy. Been busy at work so I haven't had much time to eat much. With school starting up with students tomorrow I will be able to start a regular routine. I did find out that if I jsut get a salad for lunch I will pay less then if I was eating other things. So That will be an added bonus.

Not much else going on. Time to get some sleep for the start of school. Good night everyone.

Posted by simkus at 10:08 PM EDT
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