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Greetings and Salutations
Sunday, 14 August 2005
This week August 15-21
Sometime this week:

I am hoping to walk to school on Thursday and/or Friday. I am not even going to ask anyone to walk with me because I do not think anyone wants to walk until it cools down some.

Monday August 15:
Work at school.
Work at Sylvan from 5-8pm

Tuesday August 16:
Work at school.
Work at Sylvan from 5-6pm

Wednesday August 17:
Work at school.
Work at Sylvan from 5-8pm

Thursday August 18:
Work at school.
Attend meeting for Fall Bowling League. Will find a team to bowl with at this time

Friday August 19:
Work at school.

Saturday August 20:
I may work on Saturday, but I do not know for certain. I will find out on Monday.

Sunday August 21:
Nothing planned.

Posted by simkus at 9:23 PM EDT
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Mood:  a-ok
Not much to report on today. I did laundry this morning (still haven't folded the clothes or put them away). I went over to the school, but there was no power, so I came back home. I printed out some things that I need for the week and I will be at the school early tomorrow morning so I can copy some of the stuff. Some of the stuff I printed off I need for this week, other things are for later in the quarter. I want to get my papers all ready to go well ahead of time so that I do not have any problems. Other then that the day went well. I worked on my puzzle a bit and did some reading. Well, that is it for tonight. Write more tomorrow after work at Sylvan, if I am not too tired.

Posted by simkus at 9:16 PM EDT
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Saturday, 13 August 2005
How the day went
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
I got a lot of work done today. I moved the bookshelves over on the wall between the TV and the bathroom door. Then I moved the couch back about four or five feet. I was able to set up my card table and will be able to work on some puzzles now. I was also able to empty all the boxes that my mother sent to me. I still have a couple things that I need to put up, but other than that my apartment is looking good. I put up a darker sheet in the kitchen so that will make the house a little darker. I then took the sheet that was there and put it up between my bed and the boxes that I have in the "storage" area. It really looks like I have a lot more room in my apartment. I may invite people over to take a look at everything, but I don't know. I really have been backing off and doing less with other people lately. Well, I am getting off the computer soon. Write more later.

Posted by simkus at 5:01 PM EDT
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Friday, 12 August 2005
Mood:  down
After school I walked to Best Buy and got my phone switched. Called and got it activated as well. Other then that the night was okay, until I was eating supper. While eating supper I bit in to my food and felt a tooth break. It is the same tooth that I was having problems with during the summer. I lost about 1/3 of the tooth. I am going to have to call and set up an appointment now to get the tooth removed. I do not know how I am going to be able to pay for it, but I will have to do this. Until then I will have to be careful while eating and other things. That is it for now. I will write More tomorrow.

Posted by simkus at 9:30 PM EDT
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Mood:  a-ok
Yesterday was interesting. After I got home from work (not much happened there) I took my dresser and loaded it up on top of my car and took it to the Salvation Army. After that I went to the bowling alley and picked up my money. I won about $29 with my team and $56 from bracket money. All in all a nice deal. After I got done there I went over to Best Buy and bought a new phone. A nice improvement with a camera attachment. After I got home and got the phone activated I got to looking through the phone and I found out that the phone was used. There were 81 contacts on the phone and 2 photos, including one in which the girl in the picture is pulling up her shirt to expose her bra. Not what I expected to find on a new phone. So, today after work I will be taking the phone back and talking with them about it.

Posted by simkus at 2:42 PM EDT
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Thursday, 11 August 2005
Mood:  don't ask
Yesterday was rough, again. First off I worked at school. That went okay, although I had a couple of students that were giving me trouble again. The day actually did go well. After school I quickly ran to the post office to pick up the last of the packages that my parents sent me. Now I HAVE to move things around so that I have room to put everything. I will be doing that today. I then went to work at Sylvan. That was a struggle. The kids that I have been working with are off their meds right now. Much fun. By the end of the night I was exhausted and just a little frustrated. After work I had to run to the store to pick up some items for school today. By the time I got home and got to bed I was just feeling like I had no energy left at all. Well, that is it for now. I will try and write more tonight after I get home.

Posted by simkus at 8:21 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Just a note
Mood:  a-ok
Let see, today. Not much happened. I went to work at the school. It was an okay day. Nothing major happened. After that I went to the post office to pick up a couple boxes that were sent to me. Other than that not much happened. I am thinking of going to bed early tonight and getting some sleep. I may try to get the dresser out of my apartment on Thursday, putting it on top of my car and driving it down to the Salvation Army store before I go to the bowling alley to pick up my prize money. Then Friday after I get home I would remove the books from my bookshelves and move the bookshelves to their new spot. A little cleaning up and I can move the couch back a little, maybe moving the computer a bit as well. Not certain what else I am going to be doing to the apartment right now, but I will just do what I think looks and feels good. Maybe after I get things taken care of I might invite some people over to look at the place.

Posted by simkus at 8:20 PM EDT
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Monday, 8 August 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Tired. Very tired. That should describe me and my day quite well. I am tired at this moment. It has been a long day. School was ok, though there was an incident that was handled and controlled quickly. After work I went to Sylvan and the work there was exhausting. I had some students that were not on meds and so I had to stay on top of them the entire time. Wore me out. So, I am heading to bed shortly and am looking forward to sleeping all night.

Posted by simkus at 9:15 PM EDT
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Sunday, 7 August 2005
Week of August 8 -14
Sometime this week:

Well, I still need to get rid of a dresser, move my bookshelves, the couch, and maybe some other things in my apartment. Maybe this week I will actually get it done.

Monday August 8:
Work at school. Finishing up the pretest.
Work at Sylvan from 6-8pm

Tuesday August 9:
Work at school.

Wednesday August 10:
Work at school.
Work at Sylvan from 5-8

Thursday August 11:
Work at school.
Go to the bowling alley at 6:30 to pick up prize money and awards (if I earned any)

Friday August 12:
Work at school.

Saturday August 13:
I have been invited to go to the movies on this night with a couple teacher friends. I would like to go, but I think that I am going to pass on it. Right now I just do not feel like being around people.

Sunday August 14:
I think this is the day that I was invited to go to Fort Myers for a party of some kind. I am not going to go to it. Although I worked with the person and have done a couple things with her, I do not really feel like her and I are friends, just coworkers. So, I will stay here and maybe do some things.

Posted by simkus at 7:39 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 14 August 2005 9:17 PM EDT
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Phone Problems
Mood:  a-ok
My cell phone is sick. The front face cover has a LCD display that is now broken. I have no clue how it happened either. As the phone is no longer under warranty I will have to buy a new one. That isn't really a bad thing. I would like to get a phone that has a camera phone on it. I am not sure when I will be able to get this new phone. Maybe at the end of the month when I get paid, maybe a little sooner. Just depends on money. Will write more when I get the new phone.

Posted by simkus at 3:23 PM EDT
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