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Greetings and Salutations
Friday, 5 August 2005
Catching up again
Mood:  a-ok
Okay, so it is Friday morning, but I am going to try and write about Wednesday and Thursday.

Wednesday was the first day of school with students. The day went pretty well. The only real snags had to do with lunch. Our first lunch went way over, mainly because it was mostly students new to our school and out way of doing things. Other than that it was a good day. Most of my classes were only about half full, which is about normal on the first day of school. After working at the school I went to work at Sylvan, which was pretty good.

Thursday was a nice day, although by the end of the day I was exhausted. I had more students in all my classes, which was good. I got through most of the rules and procedures for the classes. The day went by pretty quickly and I got a lot of things done. After work I went bowling, which started out good and just went downhill. I bowled a 174, a 148, and a 121 ( I am not 100% of that last score). This was the last night for the summer league. We have a meeting nest Thursday night where we will get awards and prize money. The following Thursday after that will be the meeting for the fall league, which I plan on joining, with the actual bowling starting the week after that. I am still not certain which team I will be bowling with.

Lets see, other things. I have made it through six days without eating meat. Not really that hard right now. I have other things that I can eat and I am just eating salads at school. I don't know how much healthier I am feeling, but I do feel like I am doing something good. It is really working out so far. I plan on finding a scale and seeing how much I weigh this weekend. I can use a scale here at school, but it does not show an accurate weight. I can stop by the fitness club that is next door to Sylvan and get my weight there. Other then that things are going well. I am tried more during the day, but that is because I am doing more during the day. I am also not sleeping that well during the night. I am hopeful that I will be able to get to bed earlier at night the next couple days, which will help me get some extra rest. Well, that is it for now. I will write more later tonight, if I remember.

Posted by simkus at 10:33 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 2 August 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Watching Gilmore Girls
I think that my classroom is ready for the start of school. I just feel like I am not ready for the year to start. I finally got the tables and chairs in to the room. Been rough going these last few days, but I think I am there now.

Day 4 of my no meat trial. I started it on Saturday instead of the first, but that it ok. So far so good and so easy. Been busy at work so I haven't had much time to eat much. With school starting up with students tomorrow I will be able to start a regular routine. I did find out that if I jsut get a salad for lunch I will pay less then if I was eating other things. So That will be an added bonus.

Not much else going on. Time to get some sleep for the start of school. Good night everyone.

Posted by simkus at 10:08 PM EDT
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Monday, 1 August 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Not much writing tonight because I feel like I am about to pass out. A long day. Had orientation for the students coming to my school. Most of the day I was waited for students to show up. Not many did show up for my class. After that I worked at Sylvan. Had a staff meeting at the end of that. That is it for today. Off to bed. Night

Posted by simkus at 9:30 PM EDT
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Sunday, 31 July 2005
A trial change
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
I have been doing some thinking the last few weeks. One of the newer things that I have thought about is what I eat. While talking with a friend who is vegetarian I got to thinking about how much meat I actually do eat, which is very little. So, I have decided that I will give up meat for the month of August. I do not know if this will be a permanent change or not at this time, but I want to try it and see how I feel. I had already planned on eating salads for lunch anyways. I will keep updates on how this is going once in a while. If after the month is over I am feeling good about how things are I might make this a more permanent change. Good luck to me.

Posted by simkus at 10:54 PM EDT
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Big News
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
Well, today has been a day of big news. First off my little brother called to let me know that his wife is pregnant with their first child. Not certain when it is due yet. He also told me that they will finally be moving to Oregon in October. They both have jobs lined up for when they move. They also bought a new truck. Lots of good news on that front.

Then tonight I received an instant message from David. He wanted to let me know that he will be marrying his boyfriend next year. I am so happy for David. I have known David for a long time and I am glad that he is happy and doing well. I am hoping that that I will be able to attend the wedding, but I am not certain. That will make three weddings that are scheduled for the beginning of 2006 for friends of mine. First Michelle will be getting married on January 7. Then Davids will be March 4. Then Lyz and Landon will be married in June (the 6th, I think). A busy time. I would love to attend all three wedding, although I do not know if I will be able to attend any of them.

Posted by simkus at 10:45 PM EDT
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This week August 1-7
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
Sometime this week:

I need to get rid of a dresser, move my bookshelves, the couch, and maybe some other things in my apartment. Get things moved around and my apartment will look bigger then it is, hopefully.

Monday August 1:
Work at school. Orientation for the students. Work on more things for the start of school.
Work at Sylvan from 5-8pm

Tuesday August 2:
Last day of work without students. Time to finish up everything for the first day of school.

Wednesday August 3:
First day of school. I hope I have everything finished up.
Work at Sylvan from 5-7

Thursday August 4:
Second day of school. Not much else really.
Bowl at Orange Bowl starting at 6:45

Friday August 5:
Day three of school. Should be off to a good start.
I am thinking of walking to school this day.

Saturday August 6:
Work at Sylvan from 9-11am

Sunday August 7:
Watching the Brickyard 400. I am hoping that Tony Stewart wins the race. I want to see what he will do if that happens.

Posted by simkus at 10:39 PM EDT
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Lets try to catch up
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
Okay, I am going to try and catch up with everything that I have done the last couple days.

Thursday was the first day of school for teachers. After getting there and attending the staff breakfast I went to work helping Rhonda move the rest of her items to her new room, finding and moving items that I needed for my room to the stage. I was able to find two bookshelves, a computer desk, a file cabinet, and a desk. I could not do too much on the stage as the tables and chairs for the cafeteria were still there. After I left work I bought some new clothes for the school year. I got two new shirts, three new pairs of pants and a new pair of shorts. I also bought some supplies for my classroom. I then went bowling. 135, 134, 172. A nice series, though the first two games could have been better.

Friday came and I was able to put some things up in my room. I also helped out a couple other teachers. Still had the tables and chairs on the stage so I could not do a lot. After I left work I came home and got a shower and changed clothes. I then went to a party with some other teachers to celebrate the start of school (or was it to commiserate the end of summer?). I had a couple of drinks, but not a whole lot. Then I played a drinking game with some teachers, using water. I did get the unlucky draw, and since I promised that I would drink what was in the cup, I did. (Game is played with cards. Each time a king is drawn the person who draws it pours some of what they are drinking in to a cup. Last king drawn gets to drink it) I am not 100% certain what was in the cup. I know that the first person was drinking Bailey's (whiskey?) with a cola of some kind, the second person had Boone's Farm (not certain which kind), and the last person had Vodka and a cola of some kind. I drank it and it didn't taste that good. I think it was the cola, not the alcohol. I do not drink soda anymore and even then I did not like cola. But, I said that I would and I did.

On to Saturday. I was up at 8, then went to work at Sylvan and worked from 9 to 11. After that I went to school and got things moved around for my room (the chairs and tables had finally been removed, YEAH!), helped Rhonda a bit, and talked with some teachers. Left and got a smoothie. Stopped at the Movie theater to talk about getting some stuff from them to give as rewards for my kids. Then I went to Salvation Army and got another dresser. Wanted a little more room to put clothes away in. Then I went to Save-a-lot and bought groceries. While I was in there it started pouring. After that I stopped at the bread store to get bread, then home to drop everything off and change out of my wet clothes. Then I went back to the movie theater because the person I needed to talk to wasn't there earlier in the day. I was given some pins and he said to stop back by in a couple weeks and I can have some movie posters and other stuff. I then went to Publix to get the rest of my groceries (milk, oj, veggies, stuff like that). Then I came home. I finally eat something about 10pm. ugg. What a long day. Went to bed very early.

Yes! I am up to today! I got up and ate some breakfast. I then left to do laundry. I returned two of the pairs of pants because I needed the money. I then returned and put the clothes in to the dryer. I then left again to get a couple items I forgot to get yesterday. Then off to get my hair cut for the school year. Came home and got the clothes out of the dryers and came back to the apartment. I then left to buy a book. I then went to Rhonda's to pick up a couple items for her so I can take them to school tomorrow. She has to go to her son's school in the morning and will be late and wanted to get some things laminated. I then came home and fixed some burritos's for supper. I did some rearranging in my apartment. First off I removed the plastic box I had under the sink and put a cardboard box under there instead. It fits a lot better. Then I took the plastic box and went in to the bathroom and removed the sheets and stuff I had on the floor of the closet. Then I moved my new dresser in there. I folded up the towels and put them on top of it. Small towels went next to it. I put all the rags in a bag and hung the bag on the rack above. Then I folded up the clothes and put them in the dresser. I think I will get rid of the other dresser and move the book cases over to that wall. Then I can move my couch back a bit, putting it a little farther away from the television. I still need to hang up a sheet to block off my storage items from view. Not sure what else I might do. The apartment is starting to look better. Maybe I might finally invite people over to look at it. Maybe. Still have a number of things to do before I feel comfortable doing that. But, at least the place is going to be looking better.

Well, that is all I am going to write about right now. I still need to write my schedule for this week and will be doing that shortly. Have a good night and I will write more tomorrow.

Posted by simkus at 9:49 PM EDT
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Saturday, 30 July 2005
missed some days, not catching up.
Mood:  a-ok
Okay, so I have missed writing the past couple days. I may not write too much tonight as I am tired. I have had a busy, long day and I did not eat anything until 10pm. I will write more about today later. On Wednesday I didn't do a whole lot, just worked at Sylvan. Thursday was the start or work and I will write more about that, friday, and today, on sunday. I am off to bed (super tired).

Posted by simkus at 10:31 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 26 July 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
I got some stuff done today. I went to the school and moved all of my stuff to the room I will be in temporarily. That is the stage in the cafeteria. I will be in there for most of the day. I have one class that is scheduled during lunch and for that period I will be in the Library. I have asked if it is possible to switch my planning period so that I will be able to keep all of my stuff in the one room and not have to move things from one room to another and then back. One problem with being on the stage is that I will be carrying my pencil sharpener around with me. I will not be leaving it where students might be able to get to it and take it. I also helped Rhonda move the things from her old room to her temporary room. She at least will be in just one room. Other than that today was an okay day. I watch the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery today. That looks like it was a success, although there may be a couple problems. I will be watching over the next couple days to see that it does come home safely. I am a firm believer that we, as a race, must go to the stars. We must colonize other planets. Well, that is all for tonight. Have a good night.

Posted by simkus at 7:31 PM EDT
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Monday, 25 July 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Today was ok. Slept in a bit and enjoyed it. Worked at Sylvan today. Other then that, not much happened. The only other thing I that happened today was a friend called and talk to me and let me know that her uncle died today. She was very close to him and this hit her pretty hard. She is not going to be able to the funeral and that is really tearing her up. I know that she will get through this as she is a very strong person that I believe can make it though anything.

Posted by simkus at 10:07 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 July 2005 7:32 PM EDT
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