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Greetings and Salutations
Saturday, 6 August 2005
Some thoughts
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: dance radio
So, I was doing a little bit of thinking about things. There are things that I am working on. Yes, it is slow going on most of them, but I do feel like I am making some progress on some things. The biggest problem I have thought about recently is that there are some issues that I would like to work out, but that it is impossible. There are some things about me that I can not fix, can not make better, can not do a thing about. These are the things that seem to really get me down. I am going to have to learn to just accept those things and learn to live with them they way they are, even though I would rather a miracle happen to fix them. This will take a lot longer to work out than the other things that I am working on. Maybe some day I will be able to feel better about these things, but today doesn't seem to be that day.

Posted by simkus at 8:25 AM EDT
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