Mood: don't ask
Yesterday was rough, again. First off I worked at school. That went okay, although I had a couple of students that were giving me trouble again. The day actually did go well. After school I quickly ran to the post office to pick up the last of the packages that my parents sent me. Now I HAVE to move things around so that I have room to put everything. I will be doing that today. I then went to work at Sylvan. That was a struggle. The kids that I have been working with are off their meds right now. Much fun. By the end of the night I was exhausted and just a little frustrated. After work I had to run to the store to pick up some items for school today. By the time I got home and got to bed I was just feeling like I had no energy left at all. Well, that is it for now. I will try and write more tonight after I get home.
Posted by simkus
at 8:21 AM EDT