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Greetings and Salutations
Saturday, 13 August 2005
How the day went
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
I got a lot of work done today. I moved the bookshelves over on the wall between the TV and the bathroom door. Then I moved the couch back about four or five feet. I was able to set up my card table and will be able to work on some puzzles now. I was also able to empty all the boxes that my mother sent to me. I still have a couple things that I need to put up, but other than that my apartment is looking good. I put up a darker sheet in the kitchen so that will make the house a little darker. I then took the sheet that was there and put it up between my bed and the boxes that I have in the "storage" area. It really looks like I have a lot more room in my apartment. I may invite people over to take a look at everything, but I don't know. I really have been backing off and doing less with other people lately. Well, I am getting off the computer soon. Write more later.

Posted by simkus at 5:01 PM EDT
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