Yesterday was an interesting day. First off was walking to school. That went as planned. Then came school. Also went as planned. The students had their test and everything went well. After school I went walking. First I walked to the mall to stop in at the bookstore. Didn't really need anything there, but wanted to stop and talk to people. After that I went over to the movie theater to see if there was any news about the posters. There wasn't. After that I walked over to Target. On the way there though I found a cell phone. After calling a couple of the numbers on there I was able to get in touch of someone that could pick it up and return it to its owner. After that I stopped in at Target, then Michaels, then to Best Buy (brief stops at them all and they are almost next door to each other). After that it was off to home.
Today I got up early (body just would not let me sleep in). I did a couple things around the house before going to the school to make copies. After that I went to Best Buy again and picked up a couple things I forgot about yesterday. After I got home I worked on dishes and cooked dinner. After I ate I began working on grading papers. I got two of my five classes done. I am getting tired so I will work on the other three tomorrow.
Other then that there isn't much to write about in my life. Nothing much going on, which I must say that I kind of like. I am still not certain at this time if I want to do much with other people or not.
Posted by simkus
at 10:05 PM EDT