Now Playing: Watching Gilmore Girls
Wow, I have missed three days now. Time to try and play catch up. On Sunday I went to the theatre and saw "March of the Penguins". I loved it. It had some funny moments and it was a very nice movie. I would recommend it to everyone. Other then that I did very little on Sunday. I did walk around the apartment complex for a bit though.
Monday was the start of another week at school. Not much happened at school. I did need to run over and jump start Rhonda's car so that she could get to school. Other then that I worked at both jobs and came home.
Today was a nice day. Not much happened except for work. Had some testing that went on so my first two classes were disrupted, but other then that the day was nice. Worked a couple of hours tonight at Sylvan, which was nice. It looks like I will picking up some hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well. Will help to have a little more money coming in. I am really hopeful that I will be getting some bills paid off soon.
Posted by simkus
at 9:36 PM EDT