Mood: a-ok
Here are my resolutions for the new year.
I resolve to do five things during the coming year (2005):
1) No more Sweets
2) No more fast food or Pizza
3) Lose weight
4) Private - I will reveal what this was after I accomplish it
5) Private - I will reveal what this was after I accomplish it
6) Improve my self-esteem
There are 6 of them this year, one more then last year. I think that Numbers 1 and 2 will be a little difficult, but that I will succeed. Number 3 will be a fairly easy one to accomplish. Number 6 will be rough and I hope that I can do it. Numbers 4 and 5 are both private ones. I am telling no one what they are until after I accomplish them, though I hope that it won't take long to do either. Neither is really something that is going to improve me, but I think that they both will help me get a better understanding of myself and who I am. Feel free to respond to the resolutions and let me know what you think about them.
I hope that you have a Happy Yule, a Merry Christmas, and a Wonderful New Year.