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Greetings and Salutations
Monday, 25 July 2005
This Week July 25-31
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
Sometime this week:

Sometime this week I need to stop by the school to pick up the key for my room. I will probably go in Tuesday morning and use some time that day to move things to the room. I also plan on going to the Salvation Army to look for some shirts and pants for the school year. If I can't find anything then I will go to the big and tall store to get them. I hope to find a couple new shirts and a couple new pairs of pants. Would be nice to look good when the school year starts.

Monday July 25:
Work at Sylvan from 5-8pm

Tuesday July 26:
Nothing planned

Wednesday July 27:
Work at Sylvan from 5-7

Thursday July 28:
Go back to work today at the school. Have a meeting in the morning to start off the day. The rest of the time I am going to be moving things from the two rooms I was in last year to the temporary room that I will be in until my new portable is in and ready.

Bowl at Orange Bowl starting at 6:45

Friday July 29:
More work at school. Need to keep working on getting my room ready for the school year. I will also be spending some time typing things up to use.

Saturday July 30:
Work at Sylvan from 9-11am

Sunday July 31:
No plans

School is starting back up for teachers this week, for students next week. It will be nice to get back in to a normal routine.

Posted by simkus at 1:26 PM EDT
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Sunday, 24 July 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Hi once again. Today I walked over to the mall. It is only a 30 minute walk, but it was quite warm and humid. After hanging out in the bookstore for a while I walked back. The walk back was easier as there was more cloud cover and winds to make it seem a little cooler. I stopped by the office to see about moving to a 1 bedroom apartment. There would be a $100 transfer fee. There is also no apartment available. I don't think that I will be looking at moving, at least not for a while. I don't have people over so there really is not a reason for me to move to anything bigger. Other then that not much to report today. After I got home I took a nap, then got up and fixxed dinner. Nothing else to talk about. Will write more tomorrow.

Posted by simkus at 8:20 PM EDT
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Saturday, 23 July 2005
Moving stuff
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: radio broadcast
Missed yesterday, again. I need to try and make sure I write something everyday. Yesterday I moved things around inside my apartment and got all the boxes moved from storage in to my apartment. I am thinking of rearranging some things in here to make it look a little better. I will be stopping by the apartment complex office tomorrow to see about a 1 bedroom apartment, on the FIRST floor. I really do not have any plans of moving right now, but I would like to check out some options. Who knows, maybe I will move, again.

Today I received one of my teaching certificates. I am now certified to teach Middle School regular education classes, as well as my ESE classes. Now I need to work on getting my other 2 certifications taken care of. I still need to take the test for Elementary Education, and still need to send in the application, fee, and take the test for the Math certification.

Other then that not much else is going on. I think I am going to walk to the mall tomorrow. About a 30 minute walk each way. It will be hot though. Been very warm and humid here (then again, it has been warm everywhere) so I will be packing a lot of water. It will be while I am out that I will be stopping by the office to see about the larger apartment. I am going to be getting off to watch the Braves-Diamondbacks baseball game. My 2 favorite teams. I think at this time I am cheering for the Diamondbacks since they need the win more.. I am off now. take care.

Posted by simkus at 9:53 PM EDT
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Thursday, 21 July 2005
A little bit more
I strapped the couch down on top of my car and took it to The Salvation Army today. I now have an open spot to move my dresser to. Will move the dresser and my bed around tomorrow. I will move the items out of storage in to my apartment this weekend. The only things I will leave in storage are the things for school and I will move them out and in to my classroom next week. I will have to spend a little time to move things around in the apartment a little as well. Other then that things are going ok. I had training today at Sylvan and bowling tonight. Not much else to talk about about. I am off to bed instead. Good night

Posted by simkus at 10:28 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 20 July 2005
thoughts on today
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: dance radio
Today was...wednesday? Didn't do much today. Read a little, rested in bed a bit, played on the computer a bit, worked a bit, listened to music a bit, talked to my mom a bit, and sent off an e-mail. Other then that not much happened. I think I will try to get the couch to The Salvation Army tomorrow. I will have to take it down the stairs myself (no problem) and put it on top of my car (might be a problem) and strap it down. I will stay off the main road and drive slowly. I should be able to get it there with no problems. It is about 10 miles to where it needs to go, which might be the only problem. Well, I am going to play another game and then will be heading to bed. Good night.

Posted by simkus at 9:45 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 20 July 2005 9:45 PM EDT
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Scotty beamed up
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
This just some thoughts about James Doohan who played Scotty on the original Star Trek Series. When I watched Star Trek I must say that Scotty was one of my favorite characters from all of the series. I just loved how he was completely sure of himself at all times. There was never a spot where he was not 100% confident. From the origianl series he was one of only two stars who I wanted to meet and get a signature from (the other was Walter Koenig, mostly due to his role on Babylon 5). Sadly, that never happened. I am saddened by his passing and send my thoughts and prayers to his family. He will be missed.

Posted by simkus at 2:15 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 19 July 2005
Mood:  a-ok
I went out and did some cleaning in my storage unit. I went through boxes and bags and got rid of papers and items that I do not need. In the end I have 6 plastic boxes that are empty and removed 6 garbage bags of junk and some empty cardboard boxes. The bags were not full, but they were heavy. I also got my school stuff together and would have no problems moving the stuff that I have left in to my apartment. I just need to get my couch moved out. Hopefully I can get that done this week or weekend. That is it for tonight. Bye for now.

Posted by simkus at 10:16 PM EDT
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More catching up
Mood:  a-ok
So, I have once again missed 2 days of posting. That is ok. Not a whole lot happened those days and I can quickly bring you up to speed on what is happening.

On Sunday I did nothing but site around my apartment, read, eat, etc. I had yet to finish a book I had started before Harry Potter came out so I wanted to work on it a little more.

On Monday I had to wake up early so I could go to work. After I got off work I stopped by the school to see what the latest was about the new portables. They are still not in and are not expected in until just before school starts. This means that I (and the other teacher who should be in those portables) will most likely be starting the year off in a different classroom and then will have to move all of our stuff to the portables once they are ready for us to use. Not much fun. After that I came home and got ready to go back to work. After work that night I finished reading my other book.

Today is going to be not that great of a day. I think I am going to go down to the storage shed and go through some stuff to see what I can get rid of. Yes, there are some things in there that I do not need and I will be taking some trash bags with me and going through some stuff. I will be keeping most of the things in there, but I know that there are some things I do not need now or again. Other then that I only have to work tonight. Not much going on, really. I am off for a bit, but I hope to write something tonight after work. Take care until then.

Posted by simkus at 12:56 PM EDT
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This Week July 18-24
Mood:  a-ok
Sometime this week:

Sometime this week I need to get my blue couch out of my apartment and down to the Salvation army. I do believe that I could tie it down to the top of my car and take it that way. However, I will be calling one of my teacher friends to see if she can help me move it as she has a truck. After I do that I need to start cleaning out my storage unit and bring boxes in to my apartment.

Monday July 18:
Work at Sylvan from 9-11am
Work at Sylvan from 5-8pm

Tuesday July 19:
Work at Sylvan from 5-8

Wednesday July 20:
Work at Sylvan from 5-8

Thursday July 21:
Training at Sylvan from 1:30 until finished
Bowl at Orange Bowl starting at 6:45

Friday July 22:
Work at Sylvan from 4-6pm

Saturday July 23:
Work at Sylvan from 9-11am

Sunday July 24:
No plans as of yet

A busy week, which is nice.

Posted by simkus at 12:48 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 12:48 PM EDT
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Saturday, 16 July 2005
Catch up time
Mood:  chillin'
Wow. I missed a couple days, though there really hasn't been much to write about. Bowled on Thursday night. 2 good games, then 1 piece of crap. All in all a good night though. Not much else happened Thursday. Just a little more reading.

Friday was a little more interesting. First, I did some More reading. Then I went out and spent some time in the pool. After that it was time for the Harry Potter Release Party. I went dressed up as Hagrid, complete with an egg and "biscuits". Had maybe 200 people there. Lots of fun with the activities that they had. I finally left there just after 1 am. After I got home I went to bed.

I woke up this morning about 9:30, fixed something to eat, than began reading the book. I started reading just after 10am. At 3:45 pm I finished the book, changed clothes, and went to work again. The book was great. Lots of twists, and some great information. The two big things that were in the book were who was going to die (a major character) and who was The Half Blood Prince. I will not share on here who those people are, in case anyone reading this has not read the book. I will say that neither of them really surprised me. I will also say that they are not the same person.

Well, I am off to finish up a couple things before going to bed. Have a good night and I will write more tomorrow.

Posted by simkus at 9:56 PM EDT
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