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Greetings and Salutations
Saturday, 23 July 2005
Moving stuff
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: radio broadcast
Missed yesterday, again. I need to try and make sure I write something everyday. Yesterday I moved things around inside my apartment and got all the boxes moved from storage in to my apartment. I am thinking of rearranging some things in here to make it look a little better. I will be stopping by the apartment complex office tomorrow to see about a 1 bedroom apartment, on the FIRST floor. I really do not have any plans of moving right now, but I would like to check out some options. Who knows, maybe I will move, again.

Today I received one of my teaching certificates. I am now certified to teach Middle School regular education classes, as well as my ESE classes. Now I need to work on getting my other 2 certifications taken care of. I still need to take the test for Elementary Education, and still need to send in the application, fee, and take the test for the Math certification.

Other then that not much else is going on. I think I am going to walk to the mall tomorrow. About a 30 minute walk each way. It will be hot though. Been very warm and humid here (then again, it has been warm everywhere) so I will be packing a lot of water. It will be while I am out that I will be stopping by the office to see about the larger apartment. I am going to be getting off to watch the Braves-Diamondbacks baseball game. My 2 favorite teams. I think at this time I am cheering for the Diamondbacks since they need the win more.. I am off now. take care.

Posted by simkus at 9:53 PM EDT
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