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Greetings and Salutations
Monday, 4 July 2005
This week
Mood:  down
Now Playing: My station at yahoo music
Sometime this week:

Pick up some books at Waldenbooks. I ordered them last friday. Should be in sometime this week.

Tuesday July 5:
No plans

Wednesday July 6:
Work at Sylvan from 5-8

Thursday July 7:
Bowl at Orange Bowl starting at 6:45

Friday July 8:
No plans

Saturday July 9:
No plans

Sunday July 10:
No plans

This week looks good for me to just disappear. Not much planned and I do not expect much else to happen.

Posted by simkus at 9:41 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 4 July 2005 9:42 PM EDT
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Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: My Yahoo Music station
Yes, I know. I missed yesterday. I was supposed to go to a free concert, but it didn't happen. One of the people could not go, and another was sick. So I just hung out with the other person. We watched Napoleon Dynamite then played Bards Tale 2 on her Playstation 2. I had lots of fun yesterday. I did not get back to my place until about 1 am and went to bed. And before anyone asks, no, she is not, and will not be, my girlfriend. She already has a boyfriend that her other friends thinks will be proposing to her soon. I am not looking for a girlfriend. There really is no reason for me to have one. I was going to put "at this time" at the end of that sentence, but that is not how I really feel. I do grow tired of people asking me about it. As much as I might like to have a girlfriend, as much as I might like to just have someone to mess around with, there is no reason for me to think that it should happen. I don't know what I have to offer another person. I have problems that I have to solve before I can even think about getting in to a relationship. When, and if, I get through those problems then maybe I can think about it, but not until then.

Okay, enough of that talk. Time for what I did today. I went over to help a friend clean up her pool so that her daughter could swim. stayed there for a bit, then came home and went back to bed. Woke up shortly before she arrived at my place to pick up a small pack of fireworks that I have picked up for her. She invited me to go with them to a party that some of her friends were having, but I declined. Right now I do not feel like going out with people. I went and got some chicken strips and ate those. I have watched parts of a baseball game tonight and will be heading to bed soon. That is about it for today.

I will be posting my schedule for the week soon. I may not be online much this week. I have already turned off all my messengers (AIM, MSN, and Yahoo). I have even though of just leaving my phone ringer turned off. About the only calls I get are unknown numbers, blocked call, telemarketers, and the like. I get very few calls from people that I might actually want to talk to. I think I am just going to go away from people for a bit. Well, that is it for today. Write more later.

Posted by simkus at 9:35 PM EDT
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Saturday, 2 July 2005

Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Pepsi 400 (NASCAR Race)
Not going to type much right now. Why, because I am going to be watching the race, as well as be in bed soon. Had a nice day. I filled out my paperwork for my job at Waldenbooks. Watched a movie a friend. And now the race. So, all in all, a decent day. I have some things that I am thinking about right now as well. I want to think about them a little bit more before I write them down here, but I will be writing about some personal things soon. I will be going tomorrow with a couple friends to a free concert. Going to last for a while, but that is ok. I think it is going to be a good time. Well, I will write more later.

Posted by simkus at 10:31 PM EDT
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Friday, 1 July 2005
July 1
Mood:  chillin'
First day of July. Have some mixxed news today. First off, I got a job today working with Waldenbooks. I will be there for the Harry Potter party. I will also be working some other hours, though maybe not much. When the Kiosk opens again for the holiday sales then I will work it again. This will not add much money to me right now, but every little bit helps. I have decided that I am not going to have my tooth pulled right now. I do not have the money to get it done right now. I will get it taken care of later this year. I have some other items I need to get taken care of this month and so it will just put it off for a while. I will still get it done though. Hopefully the pain will stay away until I can get it done. Lets see, what else is there. Not much. I plan to watch the race tomorrow night. Other then that, pretty much nothing going on. Maybe I will walk to the bank tomorrow and get some quarters. Don't need them right now, but it gives me something to do. Til later.

Posted by simkus at 10:22 PM EDT
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Thursday, 30 June 2005
Mood:  quizzical
I have spent some time today thinking. About money, about things, about me, about others. And yes, thinking does hurt my brain. In checking over my finances and looking at things that I have to get paid this month I have realized that I am slightly short. Most of this is due to the bill that I will have when I get my tooth removed. If I take that bill out of the way then I will have all the rest of my bills covered. This leaves me in a tough spot. My tooth is no longer hurting (it comes and it goes) so I could put off having it removed a month or two. This will allow me to make all my payments this month and save up some money towards having the tooth removed. Right now I am leaning that way. I really do not have much of a choice at this time though. I will write more later tonight. Bye for now.

Posted by simkus at 1:58 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 29 June 2005
June 29
Mood:  cool
I went swimming today. Spent about 30 minutes in the pool before getting out. Had a lot of storms in the area and the dark clouds were moving in. I also worked for a couple hours tonight. I am now off work until next Wednesday. After work I went to the bookstore and talked with the employees. I worked with Waldenbooks over the winter and so was just catching up with people I had not seen in a while. Was quite a lot of fun just hanging out with people and talking. I plan to go back in again next week to talk to them again. Well, that about sums up my day. Not much going on really. Talk more later.

Posted by simkus at 11:35 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 28 June 2005
June 28, 2005
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: My Yahoo music station
Lets see what I can write today. Not a whole lot really. I spent most of the day on the computer and a little bit reading. Other then that, nothing. Only time I left the apartment was to get my mail and to take out the trash. Past that I talked with a couple people online. That was about it for my day. Watching a little tv right now. Will be going to bed soon and do a little reading before going to sleep.

Posted by simkus at 9:15 PM EDT
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Monday, 27 June 2005

Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: My Yahoo music station
Not much to write about today. I woke up at my usual late hour, spent most of the day playing Star Craft or on the internet. I also went to work for a couple hours. All in all, a boring day. I may go to Orlando tomorrow to watch Howl's Moving Castle, but I am not certain. It will depend on how I am feeling tomorrow.

Posted by simkus at 10:27 PM EDT
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Sunday, 26 June 2005
Week of June 27 to July 4
Yes, it is a little more then just 1 week, but that is ok. The July 4th weekend really shouldn't be split up.

Sometime this week:

Go see Howl's Moving Castle.
Check out some new books and maybe buy 1 or 2.

Monday June 27:
Work at Sylvan from 5-7

Tuesday June 28:
No plans

Wednesday June 29:
Work at Sylvan from 5-7

Thursday June 30:
Bowl at Orange Bowl starting at 6:45

Friday July 1:
No plans

Saturday July 2:
No plans

Sunday July 3:
No plans

Monday July 4:

Going to the Bar-be-que that my apartment complex is having. It is supposed to be from 12 to 4. I will probably go early that way I make sure that I am able to get something to eat. Since I do not eat meat that is attached to the bone I need to make sure that all the hamburgers and hotdogs are not gone.

Doesn't look like that busy of a week for me.

Posted by simkus at 10:25 PM EDT
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Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Yahoo Music
I said that I would be posting today, and here I am. So lets see, what can I add.

At the end of May I went to the doctor to talk to her about some things, how I was feeling, what I was feeling, sleep issues, etc. We decided on a couple things. One of which is that I will go on anti-depressants. I have been taking these for almost a month now. Are they helping me? I don't know. I do feel better, but I think I am still having problems. A lot of that is self esteem. I don't know if I have much confidence in myself. I think I know what part of the problem is, and I know that there is nothing that can be done about that problem. Some of the other problems I am trying to work on. I have started trying to do things with other people. I really do not get out much, and when I do it is generally by myself. I am at least asking people and trying to get out. People are not always albe to do things with me and I am a little more understanding of that and try not to take it so personally. I also was put on muscle relaxers to help me relax enough so that I can get to sleep. I can't say that it has helped much. I still have troubles falling alseep. Right now my scedule seems to be off about 5 or 6 hours from what I am used to (going to sleep about 11am waking up at 6). Sometimes it is 3 or 4 am before I finally fall asleep. I am trying to slowly work it back towards normal. I have a month to get it there, so I have time.

Lets see, what else can I add today. I hope to go either this week or next weekend to see Howl's Moving Castle. It is the newest film by Hiyeo Miyazaki, who done Spirited Away and other great animated films. Of everyone that I have talked to here only 1 even knows about the movie, let alone will be seeing it. THe closest theater that is showing the movie is in Orlando, so it will be a bit of a drive for me to go see it, but I think it will be worth it. I will be going by myself, but that is ok. In this regard I wish I was back in Phoenix because the friends I had there liked to watch similiar types of things as me so I would be able to go with a group to see this movie. That is ok though. I do need to work on being more comfortable with myself and doing things because they are fun and not avoiding things just because there is no one else to do it with me.

Well, I think that is all for right now. I hope to get on and write a little something everyday. I would like to start putting up a list of the things that I have planned for the week, more to remind me of things then to let people know. So, I'll write more later on.

Posted by simkus at 7:47 PM EDT
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