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Greetings and Salutations
Monday, 25 July 2005
This Week July 25-31
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
Sometime this week:

Sometime this week I need to stop by the school to pick up the key for my room. I will probably go in Tuesday morning and use some time that day to move things to the room. I also plan on going to the Salvation Army to look for some shirts and pants for the school year. If I can't find anything then I will go to the big and tall store to get them. I hope to find a couple new shirts and a couple new pairs of pants. Would be nice to look good when the school year starts.

Monday July 25:
Work at Sylvan from 5-8pm

Tuesday July 26:
Nothing planned

Wednesday July 27:
Work at Sylvan from 5-7

Thursday July 28:
Go back to work today at the school. Have a meeting in the morning to start off the day. The rest of the time I am going to be moving things from the two rooms I was in last year to the temporary room that I will be in until my new portable is in and ready.

Bowl at Orange Bowl starting at 6:45

Friday July 29:
More work at school. Need to keep working on getting my room ready for the school year. I will also be spending some time typing things up to use.

Saturday July 30:
Work at Sylvan from 9-11am

Sunday July 31:
No plans

School is starting back up for teachers this week, for students next week. It will be nice to get back in to a normal routine.

Posted by simkus at 1:26 PM EDT
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