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Greetings and Salutations
Tuesday, 26 July 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: dance radio
I got some stuff done today. I went to the school and moved all of my stuff to the room I will be in temporarily. That is the stage in the cafeteria. I will be in there for most of the day. I have one class that is scheduled during lunch and for that period I will be in the Library. I have asked if it is possible to switch my planning period so that I will be able to keep all of my stuff in the one room and not have to move things from one room to another and then back. One problem with being on the stage is that I will be carrying my pencil sharpener around with me. I will not be leaving it where students might be able to get to it and take it. I also helped Rhonda move the things from her old room to her temporary room. She at least will be in just one room. Other than that today was an okay day. I watch the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery today. That looks like it was a success, although there may be a couple problems. I will be watching over the next couple days to see that it does come home safely. I am a firm believer that we, as a race, must go to the stars. We must colonize other planets. Well, that is all for tonight. Have a good night.

Posted by simkus at 7:31 PM EDT
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