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Greetings and Salutations
Tuesday, 21 December 2004
2005 Resolutions
Mood:  a-ok
Here are my resolutions for the new year.

I resolve to do five things during the coming year (2005):

1) No more Sweets
2) No more fast food or Pizza
3) Lose weight
4) Private - I will reveal what this was after I accomplish it
5) Private - I will reveal what this was after I accomplish it
6) Improve my self-esteem

There are 6 of them this year, one more then last year. I think that Numbers 1 and 2 will be a little difficult, but that I will succeed. Number 3 will be a fairly easy one to accomplish. Number 6 will be rough and I hope that I can do it. Numbers 4 and 5 are both private ones. I am telling no one what they are until after I accomplish them, though I hope that it won't take long to do either. Neither is really something that is going to improve me, but I think that they both will help me get a better understanding of myself and who I am. Feel free to respond to the resolutions and let me know what you think about them.

I hope that you have a Happy Yule, a Merry Christmas, and a Wonderful New Year.

Posted by simkus at 3:13 PM EST
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Thursday, 9 December 2004
Hello again
Mood:  a-ok
It has been a couple days, but I am back again.

The last couple days have been eventful for me. Most of it good, which is very nice. On monday I was able to weigh myself on a scale, the first time in over a year. I weighed in at 159.5 kg, or about 352 pounds. very nice. I have also been able to do some meditation which is helping to clear my mind a little. That, combined with the writing I am doing is helping me to get a better control of myself and my emotions. I have already been able to focus on the reitual I would like to do for myself in a few weeks. I do not know what all will happen, but I hope to have my notebooks filled or nearly filled before Yule and the celebrations that go with it. A time is coming when things will be changing, me along with them. I do not know what the future has in store after that, but I think that the ride towards it will be fun.

I am about to begin my day at work. I will write more some other time. Have a good day everyone.

Posted by simkus at 7:38 AM EST
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Saturday, 4 December 2004

Mood:  down
I am continuing on with my little project. I have over 10 pages written and hope to have over 100 written withing a few weeks. the pages are being written double sided but I am skipping lines.

Lets see, what else can I write about here? Besides the usual crap that goes on in life today was actually an ok day. Hopefully soon I will be hacing actual good days, though I don't know when that might happen. Here is something I posted elsewhere that might help explain a little about why I am so down right now.

I used to really love this time of the year. For me it was about more then Yule, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, whatever-you-want-to-celebrate. It was about life, living, and all things good. I would always be out with friends or at a party or doing something to celebrate. But, things have changed since that time and for me it has turned into just another time of year. There isn't any excitement left in it for me, though this year I am trying to make some. I bought a tree and some decorations to put up. I am planning on celebrating both Yule and Christmas with other people. I am trying to take control of my life so that I can once again enjoy this time of year.

As this year ends and next year begins I know that I will be feeling better. I just have to get through this month first. I am heading to bed now so this it is. I will write more later.

Posted by simkus at 12:54 AM EST
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Thursday, 2 December 2004
just an update
Mood:  down
Today I am going to start working on something. This will take up all my non-existant free time and some of my un-free time. I don't know if I will ever post what I am working on, or if anyone will ever see it but me, but I must start on it. Have a good day everyone.

Posted by simkus at 5:16 PM EST
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Tuesday, 30 November 2004
Changes on here
Mood:  a-ok
Over the next few weeks my posts on here may be smaller than I would like. I plan to do a lot of writing in a paper journal between now and Yule. I have something that I would like to do and I don't know if I can do it or not, but I am going to give it a big try. It involves many changes in my life and I must see this through. I hope everyone is ok out there and I'll write more later.

Posted by simkus at 9:46 PM EST
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Monday, 29 November 2004
I'm just a post
Mood:  a-ok
Yes I'm only a post and I'm sitting here on Capital Hill.


Posted by simkus at 10:39 PM EST
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Sunday, 28 November 2004
Mood:  a-ok
Time and past time for changes. Thoughts, actions, deeds, and the way life is lived. hmmm, anyone know where the nearest talk show is?


Posted by simkus at 6:51 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 28 November 2004 7:14 PM EST
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Saturday, 27 November 2004

Interesting, interesting, interesting.


Posted by simkus at 11:18 PM EST
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Friday, 26 November 2004
Just a quick update
Change of plans for the night.


Posted by simkus at 11:51 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 27 November 2004 2:35 AM EST
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Dating and all the stuff
Mood:  a-ok
How much is written on the inside and how many licks does it take to get to the center of it?


Posted by simkus at 9:39 PM EST
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