Mood: a-ok
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Ok, this should be interesting. I have been doing a lot of thinking, on my own or what other people have said to me in general conversations. One of these conversations brought me to this thought. When I moved from Arizona to Florida I left behind many friends (my words) and someone recently told me not to think of it like leaving one set of friends but instead think of it as gaining new friends. I would like to think of it this way, I really would, but it is hard. I could list here all the friends that I have made since I moved to Florida. Almost that entire list would also make up a list of the friends I've made here that i am no longer in contact with. The friendships I make here don't seem to be lasting. I don't know if it is me, them, or just the way things are. All of this just makes it easier for me to realize that Florida is not where I belong. I am currently doing the things I need to in order to get a teaching certificate in Illinois. If I was able to get a job there this fall I would take it and move right away. As it is I do not thing that I will be able to move until the summer of 2006 or 2007. There are some days when I am ready to get in my car and just leave, and there are days when I would like to stay here longer and try to make everything work out, though those days are coming less and less often. At the point I am at this very moment (that I write this) I am ready to move. I know that I can not move to Illinois without having things together to get a job there, but I am ready to move, be it to Illinois or back to Arizona. At this time the only things that are stopping me from moving is the lack of money to make a cross-country move and the lack of a job at the end of the move. I will be trying hard to save up what money I can so that I can make such a move next summer and will be working harder to get a job lined up in Illinois for the 2006-2007 school year. Once those two things are taken care of I will be moving. It is no longer a maybe on moving like it was when I first moved here, it is now I will move, it is just a matter of when. That is all the thoughts for now. more at a later date and time.