Mood: a-ok
Now Playing: Ian Van Dahl
I had a scare and I came through it ok, but not unscathed. I gave blood at the end of December and a few weeks later I got a letter from the blood bank stating that my blood tested positive for the hepatitus b core antibody, which means that I either am, or was, infected with hepatitus b. I went to my doctor and she ordered various blood tests, all of which came back negative, which means that I am not, nor ever have been, infected. This is very good news and better then what I thought the results might come back as (I thought that they would show that I had it but was no longer infected).
This whole thing gave me reason to think about my life and the way I do (or don't do) things. I had sex one time with one girl and four years later I got a big scare from this. One mistake. One problem. Where do I go from here? I don't have sex now and I do not think I will ever have sex until I am married. Will I ever get married? I don't know. At the moment that I am writting this entry I do not feel much like dating anyone for a long time. I have very few friends where I am living, and I rarely hang out with those friends. Between work and feeling tired all the time I don't get out much to meet new people. Do I want to date? Right now, I don't think I do. I know that I have problems within myself that I have to work out before I can begin to start dating again. This could take a long time but I am ok with that. I HAVE to get msyelf together before I worry about anyone else.
When all is said and done I can only blame myself for my problems. It seems that almost everything that has happened to me has been because of something I have done. There are some times when I wish I could blame someone else (a person, the president, the government, anyone) for my problems, but when I really look at the problems I usually only find my own fingerprints. This is a good thing in a way though because I know that if I stop making mistakes and messing my own life up then it should get better, at least that is my theory. I have yet to find a way to avoid the mistakes, but I will continue to work on it.