Mood: not sure
Now Playing: My station at yahoo music, again
Lets see, not much to report today. The phone is still off. Really haven't had a need. I did have a phoen call yesterday from one of my fellow teachers. She was wanting my help today in looking for a couple things. No problem. I called her back and then helped her today. I also had a call tonight from a friend asking me if the new portables are in. As we have to move all of our school supplies from our old rooms to new ones we need to know if the rooms have been delivered. As I have not been near the school, nor talked with people that have I would not know. I figured that she would know before me. Other then that I spent today either online or reading my book, with a break in there to go work. Just a normal day. I did some more thinking about things that I wrote about yesterday. I will be getting rid of the couch and the storage unit. I am not certain about the other things yet. I will have to think about those things more. Well, playing a game and then I will be heading to bed to read a little more. Bye for now.
Posted by simkus
at 10:49 PM EDT